
Fiona Heart

Founder and Body worker


Welcome to Inspiring Heart


Ancient Hawaiian Lomi Lomi, was the catalyst for the opening of my heart to this divine heartfelt work. Lomi offers distinct intregration of body, mind and heart.

The Vitality that this healing brings us,  connects us to the wisdom of our bodies and our compassionate heart.  This unique holistic experience creates harmony within our selves, within our community and for our planet.

The elements of Lomi Lomi Massage supports your physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies.

I pride myself as a Wellness Alchemist. 



I have practiced yoga for 20 years and became a Hatha yoga teacher in 2015.

What I love about yoga is the teachings in philosophy and how if supports our wellbeing on our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. 

Having done the work to understanding the principles of manifesting all that I invite into my life. My intention is to inspires others to live a life of self-love, to treat the body as a temple, nourish every cell in your body, your mind and your soul supported by nourishing food and conscious thoughts!

With the wisdom that we are all light energy. I maintain balance in all that I do, keeping it real and inviting all individuals to explore their own true expression.  

I welcome you on a journey to transform your current life through living consciously, embracing positive change into your life, letting go of destructive habits, beliefs and behaviours that no longer serve the pure essence of who you truly are. Trusting your inner guidance and taking responsibility for our choices, bringing us to a higher place of self-love.

I share my knowledge of balance through food, movement and stillness. Through the understanding of what we eat, what we think and how we physically treat our bodies and minds, influences our vibrational energy, our mood and our hormones. Together all these aspects has an effect on our lives, including our relationships with others and most importantly the relationship with ourselves. We are all unique in our essence and sometimes we need the support that remind us of our Divine Beauty and Authentic Power. 

Standing in the wisdom of the Yogic way, holding compassion for self and others, without judgement or blame and aiming for an enlightened life that creates Health & Harmony in all our experiences, both internally and externally.

If something is calling you to experience self-love and to have a joyful and peaceful life, I invite you to join me on a journey of Knowledge & Wisdom and to share in the divine passion to Be, Do and Have all your Heart desires!

My work reflects my passion to work from my Heart.

I invite you to come fill your cup...




Make an appointment today;

  •  Bring into alignment your mind, body and spirit with a healing LOMI LOMI MASSAGE.
  • Join a Heart Healing Hatha Yoga Session
  • Join us on an Inspiring RETREAT, in a sacred space to reflect, heal and transform with like minded women.

Fiona Heart 




  • Advanced Diploma in Massage
  • Certified Hawaiian Healing touch Lomi Lomi
  • Certified Hawaiian Hot stone Lomi Lomi Massage
  • Certified Purna Yoga Teacher (2015)
  • Certified Trauma yoga Instructor
  • Certified Pranic Healer
  • Certified in Aromatherapy
  • Certified Member Yoga Australia
  • Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance